Complimentary Watercolor Artwork

For this assignment, the class had to use a complimentary color scheme to make a watercolor artwork. Complimentary colors are those that are on the opposite ends of the color wheel and therefore have the greatest contrast and cancel each other out to a neutral color when mixed together.


Step 1 : The color scheme that I used for this artwork was the blue-orange complimentary scheme. This means that I could only use the colors blue and orange in my artwork. This includes any shade of blue, any shade of orange as well as mixing them together is any ratio.

Step 2 : I had 3 blue watercolor paints and no orange paint. So I mixed many different oranges using different amounts of red and yellow paint each time. I alo mixed these different oranges with the blues which created numerous different neutral colors as well. This created 34 different colors that I used in my artwork.

Step 3 : I did not plan out a sketch or plan for this artwork and so after mixing a color I just spontaneously added a design to the paper. I drew the following design close to the previous one so that there was an equal amount of place between all of the designs and so they looked connected.


Something that turned out really well was how all the colors in the painting were different although they were only made using two colors. Something I can improve on next time is creating a plan for the designs in the artwork. I didn't create a plan and added the designs spontaneously which has caused some of the designs to not follow the same pattern as other and for some areas of the artwork having a completely different feeling that another part. I faced failure while creating some of the colors, although I spent a considerable amount of time mixing each color, some of them ended up looking extremely similar to another color I had mixed previously. I dealt with this failure by persevering and I continued mixing for a long time and I ended up mixing numerous different colors.

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