Surreal Collages

Surreal Portrait Collage

For this assignment, the class had to create two surrealist collages. Surrealism represents unnerving, illogical scenes to show the unconscious mind to express itself through dreams, ideas and emotions. One of the collages had to use a picture of our own face. The other one had to be a surrealist landscape collage with a foreground, middleground, background, focal point and additional details.

Dreamscape Collage

For this assignment, we had to create a surrealist landscape collage with a foreground, middleground, background, focal point and additional details. Surrealism represents unnerving, illogical scenes to show the unconscious mind to express itself through dreams, ideas and emotions.


Step 1 : First, I made a plan of what objects I wanted in my collage as well as the foreground, middleground and background and the focal point. After deciding this, I searched up the images close to those I envisioned for each of these.

Step 2 : Then I printed the images and cut them out.

Step 3 : Since I had a plan, after arranging them, they looked exactly as I had imagined and turned out very well.


My final dreamscape turned out really well since the foreground, middleground and background were all chosen well and the details all came together quite well. Next time, I can improve by looking at the colors of the pictures I choose. In this, the middleground and foreground - although vastly different - have similar colors of orange. This is the same case with the volcano which has the exact orange as the foreground. I faced failure while trying to find pictures for my collage. In the beginning, I kept finding images that would go well together and did not portray the randomness of surrealism. However I persevered in my search for the best pictures possible to make my collage a succes and therefore - even though finding the pictures took me hours - I learnt to try my best.

Surreal Portrait Collage


Step 1 : Firsly, I had a bunch of ideas of objects or patterns that I could put in my collage. These patterns and objects needed to all be different colors and sizes but to also look good when assmebled together instead of chaotic.

Step 2 : Since I always plan every single detail, I decided to be adventurous this time and not have a proper plan and just arrange all the photos in a way that I had envisioned in my head. So I printed all the images that I found and tried to arrange it and my plan ended up failing and therefore I had to change my course of action.

Step 3 : Although what I had imagined looked great in my head, it did not come together well when I actually printed it and put everything together. There was too much happening and it was too chaotic and unappealing. Therefore I tried rearranging the cutouts in different ways and then ended up finding an arrangment which I really liked. Due to this change though, I had to end up not using some things that I had printed and having to cut some of my cutouts even more to suit my idea. I also had to print an entirely new background since my previous one was now used differently.


Something that turned out well was that the final collage turned out very fascinating. Something that I can improve next time is having a clear plan to follow and drawing it out so that I can see it physically instead of just envisioning it in my head. This can help me visually see things that I can't see while just imagining it. I faced failure immediately when I tried to execute the plan I had envisioned in my head. I dealt with this failure by reorganizing the pictures and improvising my plan and experimenting to finally settle on something that looked good.

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